Sunday, May 19, 2013

Weekend Report

5-19-13 happy brain
Checking in today as spring is rushing by faster than ever. My travels back and forth between Des Moines and Kansas City continues and is now not only routine/normal- but sitting well with me these days. I am in a place where I can appreciate both locations and the opportunities each has to offer.

This weekend we varied a bit from our "split life" and did a meet up half-way. We spent Saturday with 17 other Mini Coopers for lunch in Bethany, Missouri and after a drive in southern Iowa....

Then Greg and I spent the night in a B&B in Mt Ayr, Iowa.

I can recommend this B&B (Charlie and Jane's B&B), if you ever find yourself in rural southern Iowa.

This was a fun weekend for sure, as I also got to have dinner Friday night with two of my 80's girlfriends- who I don't get to see enough of. The lighting wasn't the best, but at least we had the courage to take the photo.