Friday, December 4, 2009

Full moon madness

12-4-09 lunar brain
The full moon this week has me feeling a bit like a lunatic.
So that is my excuse for THIS blog.

Over my Thanksgiving holiday I was not only away from computers for 3.5 days, but also not paying much attention to “the news”. Upon my return to Des Moines this week, there has been some wild happenings in the paper this week. (Could be the moon’s affects?)

The saddest local story was of a SUV that went speeding into Grays Lake (the small lake encircled with walking path in the middle of town)…. The vehicle sunk like a rock and no rescue could be made in time. The heartbreaking news was that it was a 34 year old woman…. No final word yet if this was an accident or an act of despair. The latest was that she had received a foreclose notice on her house in November. She was a mother of two.

My favorite part of the local paper is called “Your 2-Cents Worth” and people can call in an leave a short “editorial” statement anonymously. As you can imagine, these can be sometimes witty, poignant, entertaining, bizarre or silly.

My favorite one this week: “Republicans love Sarah Palin because she’s just like Bush and Reagan- good looking and not too bright.”

AND that simple statement clarified for me the conflict I was having with Sarah Palin.There are many things I enjoy about her. However, I don’t think she is smart enough to be President, let alone, vice-president candidate.

Then I turned the page and read the local “Letters to the Editor”…. Which clarified more for me, my uncomfortable feelings towards Palin. I’m quoting from the Des Moines Register on Tuesday, December 1st by a guy named Roland Zimany.

Consider the definition of “rogue”
Does Sarah Palin know the definition of “rogue”? According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, as an adjective it means “vicious and destructive”. As a noun it means “dishonest or worthless person, scoundrel”, “tramp,” “a harmful person”, “irresponsibly playful” “an individual exhibiting an unusual inferior biological variation”. If she doesn’t , now your readers do.

PS: Sticky Note to Self #57: Reading the newspaper and the dictionary can be educational!


  1. When I was a teenager and living in the heart of the great farm land, we were hired by the seed corn companies to "ROGUE" the corn. It was a process in which we cut out all the bad corn stalks from the field so they would be not re-produce. So I too have been wondering why Palin would use that word. Of course it means to stand out, but to most people it is to stand out in a bad way.

    Once again, is it Sarah to blame or her handlers? Isn't there anyone else there to provide her with guidance; either in writing this book or running her political life? OR does she just not listen to anyone?

  2. "Rogue" corn! Who knew... thanks for that bit of farm terminology Molly....

    Palin did use a ghost writer for her book. You do wonder who's idea it was for the title. Maybe "Rogue" means something different in Alaska. I should ask Steve and Vanni.

  3. Don't get me started. I have read several essays very nicely showing how her book title is quite duplicitous. But yeah, she's beautiful and does have some rhetoric in a squirm-inducing kind of way.

    What a sad story about the SUV woman. Such is our life, surrounded by joy and sorrow.

  4. Since you werent using the internet over the TDay weekend you might of missed the aol headline saying that Palin and Glen Beck were considering running together. Now that would be an interesting "couple". Great blog today! Your black sheep sister.

  5. Jan,
    Glen Beck and Ms Palin..... that would be awesome! Can you imagine how much fun that would be! We would giggle are backassward off!

    "don't get me started"..... I think if we were together... we'd get wound up pretty easy! !
    I might have a blog or two on this topic left within me.

  6. PS: my friend Steve from Alaska said he wasn't aware of a different usage of rogue on the north slope. Maybe we are just some of those educated elites that use words differently.
