Monday, January 4, 2010

Holiday Report part III

I am back at work today, but will continue finishing up my Holiday Report this week.

Post Christmas vacation continued for a few days in Des Moines. My sister and niece joined us for 24 hours. The highlight was taking my sister to have a joint acupuncture treatment with me. I’m been trying to get her to start taking better care of herself. Don’t get me wrong, her good habits are: not drinking, not smoking and she does try to exercise…. But her eating and sleeping habits are poor and her stress/worry levels are high.

My sister was born the mothering type, and thus she is trying to take care and control everyone else BUT herself. (Don’t worry Ann, this is not new news for Jan, these are things I’ve said face to face to my sister more than once, hoping at some point it will sink in),…. Not that I’m Ms Perfect, but I hope the consultation with my acupuncturist gives Jan something to reflect on and work on this new year.

Once simple step Jan , and all of us can work on, is watching what we drink. My acupuncturist actually recommends the “zinger” type of teas which are available in grocery stores. Red Zinger by Celestial Seasonings is my favorite. These dissolve in a glass of water and you can drink cold or hot.

My acupuncturist told Jan that this is actually healthier than plain water since the added herbs keep you hydrated better. I must admit I usually drink my zinger teas in the summer and had not been drinking any lately. So I started again, and I actually think I see a difference in my face and skin. I have to remember that winter is a very dry time of year and my body needs the hydration as much as in the summer.

Of course the advice from my acupuncturist also includes the cutting back of pop/soda. The carbonation is not good for you, and the synthetic sweeteners.

Here’s to a healthy new year for my sister and all of us who want to feel and look our best!


  1. great tip on the Zinger teas...I'm going to get some.

  2. Thank you for the clarification Judy, I was just about to screech out of my chair..reading this at 5:29.

    Jan, I'm not far behind...don't eat right, don't exercise and just about a couch potato when I get home. I will try...I will try or at least Judy will try for me.

  3. On dear Ann, I'm getting to know you so well, I'm anticipating your reactions to things!

    Lori, glad you are trying the Zinger teas!

  4. Judy, we are like carrots and peas!
