Monday about 5:45 PM after work, I was sitting in the living room of the KC house playing with Clover and waiting for Greg to get home. I heard some music outside- a happy little jiggle. When I looked outside I saw an ice cream van coming down the street.
I didn’t rush out for ice cream, since I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, and my taste buds have been soiled already this summer…. I bought a pint of the "Stephen Colbert" Ice Cream last week and after that, I believe nothing will taste as good to me again. I told Greg about this ice cream and when we were at the store I even pointed it out, hoping he would give me the nod of approval. But instead he compared the sugar content of "Stephen" (25 grams) with Eddie’s “no sugar added” Mint Chocolate Chip (3 grams)… and so we made the healthy purchase this time.
This week, Judy mess-maker has been at work with a framing project. I bought another 10 frames for my peace art and am in the process of getting these assembled.
The unofficial high on Monday was 98 degrees according to our thermometer, and 67 degrees this morning, with yet another heat advisory for today. Greg and I did go for a short walk last night about 8:00 PM when it was only 88 degrees.
ohmygoodness! a cat!? i better keep noah on his chain - harder to fly away with! though i'm sure dave might feel we should just let him roam :)