Thursday, December 22, 2011

This and That Thursday


Yea! It’s winter solstice day and I’ve reached the “valley” of the year (the low point) … now I can look forward to the daylight starting to get longer. It’s a psychological marker for me and I now know that the earth will be working its way back towards spring.... and that makes me happy. 
(Also Happy Anniversary to Jean and John)

Yes, its been a busy week… but then it has been a busy year full of busy weeks-
Monday evening for a few hours I was at the neighbor Stacey’s house. She hosted a Caroling Party for our street. The usual jolly group attended this year and we had so much fun singing while Steve played piano and Marilyn play her banjo.

Tuesday I finished my big church art project which is due January. So happy to finish a bit ahead of schedule and I don’t have to worry about it next week while on Christmas break. See write up below.

Wednesday evening Sue suggested we go to the Drake basketball game....  Since the students are gone on break, they have “buck night”. We met up with Ann and Carolyn at Haiku for appetizers and by the time we were done there, we lacked the interest in the game and just went over to Sue’s house for awhile.  I should have been home trying to get the house put back in order, but without a refrigerator until sometime Friday- the kitchen will remain chaotic. Greg comes in town today, so he’ll be around to help when the delivery comes.

I believe I’m all ready for Christmas weekend up north and that everything is all organized in a pile to load into the car.

Next week I’m off work and hoping I can stay motivated to do some cleaning out of old stuff, to make room for new opportunities in 2012.

Westminster Fine Arts 2012
will have open house for this exhibit Jan. 15th at 4:00PM- come check me out.

Epiphany- my soul’s sunrise” 
  by Judy Sebern Beachy
(Acrylic pixel art 4 x 3.5 ft)

The divide between body & spirit, life & death, earth & heaven, and night & day- is not a distinct black and white line. Rather, it is a gap: a space of mystery and an area where all possibilities exist, creativity is born, and colors dance together. I invite you to view my painting close-up as well as from afar. Judy Sebern Beachy is a Beaverdale resident and member of Westminster.

PS: gluing pixels together was like putting a jigsaw puzzle together!

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