Friday, October 2, 2009

de' VINE surprise

10-2-09 amused brain
When I returned to Des Moines after my last trip, only 4 days, I had to take a good look at my pumpkin vine and note its growth.

It's getting very close to the house top now, but the BIG surprise for me was to note that THIS was NOT a pumpkin vine after all, but a gourd vine.

I was amused by finding this small gourd growing close to the ground. Then upon further inspection I was surprised to find a large gourd hanging! It has a very long straight neck and in total is about 16 inches long.

I'm now glad I didn't remove the vine prematurely. The vine will get to live a bit longer since it's producing something worthwhile for a fun art project. Look close and see if you can stop this gourd.