Continued from Monday…..
My other ART experience last week which touched my spirit,
was both energizing and exhausting at the same time. My friends Bill and Beth asked me to help
with their son’s 1st grade class called “Talking Canvas”. Our topic
was artist Jackson Pollack.
Bill constructed four large canvases, so there were 6 kids
per canvas. I spoke a minute about product verses process and stressed that the
point was just to enjoy playing with the paint and not worry how the painting
turns out. Bill gave a little information about Jackson Pollack and told of an
exhibit currently at the DM Art Center.
The kids did have fun and I kept busy filling the paint cups
and didn’t really get to watch much of the kids in action.
Bill said I was a natural with the kids and should consider working
with Art and Kids in the future.
This is the only picture of Me.... head cut off.... working at the paint station filling cups of paint.
How come you never had kids? Seems like you would have been great