Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday GUEST Blog

7-11-12 vacant brain

Des Moines Center – Hidden Gem in Des Moines, Iowa

Has everyone recovered from their 4th of July festivities? I’ll answer for Judy – NOT. Well I worked the week and when not at work, met the heat – dead on.. The fireworks from the comfort of my office was outstanding. The following day I was invited to a neighborhood 4th party with a not-so local singer David Zollo. He was great and in 100 degrees, wow!

On Friday, I hustled after work to the Des Moines Art Center to see Mural by Jackson Polack and stay for their Friday Summer concert. Well, hate to admit that after 26 years in Des Moines, this was my first visit to the Art Center. I’m not really into art, but I have seen a lot of art during my 8 years tripsing (I made up this word) to Europe. 

 Back to the reason for the visit, to see the local band Faculty Lounge (group of educators) think KC and Sunshine/Kool n’ Gang and so forth. I’ve seen them once (at Obama’s June visit in 2008). The band was FANtastic, playing tunes from 1975-1985, a sure blast from the past.

Did I mention the weather, a cool 100 degrees in the shade w/out a breeze. I can’t believe I danced my butt off for 2 hours. Why is it that guys are shy about dancing? Here we were, about 10 ladies dancing. Then there was a lone odd looking duck, we all danced with him and he tried to teach me twist n’ turning dance. Well I did not do too bad, that could be on my bucket list to learn.

Back to Jackson Pollack and Mural, the Art Center had a movie about Pollack showing on Sunday and I decided to go. I did learn a lot about Pollack, he’s more than a “dripper painter” and he worked really hard at getting his name and paintings out there, oh yeah, one must credit his wife. She did most of the work. Like most artists, he led a life with demons, one being alcohol. He died in a single car accident, and yes he was drinking. Either way, his short life was very interesting.

Here’s a little bit about Mural. Peggy Guggenheim was an early supporter of Pollack, she commissioned him to paint something for her new NYC apartment, finished in 1943,
's "a stampede... [of] every animal in the American West, cows and horses and antelopes and buffaloes. Everything is charging across that goddamn surface." —Jackson Pollock

Mural was given to the University of Iowa in 1951. The UI was well known for their Art Studies. Mural was in Des Moines for 3 months, taking off next week for California. The painting  is worth nearly 140m.

The Art Center is indeed a real gem in Des Moines, not only great art, but great events. Next month, a live karaoke band and I must, must attend. Gotta Run.

Chat Later,
That Girl, Ann Marie

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