(my drawing of iris done 2007)
This is the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. As a Jr. High student back then, I took to heart the message of Earth Day. I try my best to respect, love, care for, and fight for nature.
I have even been willing to embarrass myself, by dressing as a frog in the Beaverdale Parade a few years ago. I was a member of the Social Justice committee at my church, and we successfully pushed our church away from using Styrofoam cups.
“Being Green” has started to take root (finally) and many people have taken small but important steps towards caring for God’s Creation.
Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something. You are, by accident of fate, alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet. –Carl Sagan
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