Last week my surprise arrived in the mail earlier than I expected. Several weeks ago, I had ordered my 2009 blog to be printed using
My friend Renee had told me how she gets her blogs printed every month or so. I had been meaning to do it, be here it was well over a year and I had not gotten around to it. So finally the first part of March I sat down (it was easy) and ordered this. I decided to print the whole year of 2009 at once. The cost was around $100.
When I opened the box, at first I thought it was a new work manual, since it had my brain picture on it.... I picked the cover and color and look; and I'm happy with it.
Already, I am finding this fun to look through, but I think this will be even more fun to look at years to come.
I realize that I especially enjoy the pictures and recorded events of 2009, so now I will have a better vision on what I want to blog about this coming year.
That is very cool!!!! I especially like that the book is open to the Girl's Weekend