Monday, November 14, 2011

Peace and Mixed Emotions

11-14-11 confused and tired brain
WOW.... a fun and busy weekend. Greg was out in Ohio for a football game- the timing was perfect on this.... since I was busy with a Church Holiday Bazaar of sorts.... OK- a craft sale. This was the first time I have attempted to actively sell my Peace Art.

I'm happy so many of my girls friends turned out to support and help me.... which of course meant we also had fun eating out, drinking a little, shopping....etc.... everything girlfriends do together.

Long Story Short......
I actually sold quite a bit.... not necessary at the show itself, but friends and friends of friends heard about it on Facebook and I had a lot of pre- and post- orders. Two Peaces are going to California and one of those is a gift for someone in Australia (Molly says that makes me an International Artist now!)

Of course I had some separation anxiety with my favorite Peace Art.... but it is nice for me to think much of my art is now at home with many of my friends at this point. I had mixed emotions about selling.... it was work preparing..... it went OK, but I'd much rather spend my time just creating art than selling. This experience does have me thinking about another venue I may try next year. I think I am now ready for a real Art Show.... rather than a craft show with mostly old ladies... whom my Pastel Flower Notecards where the biggest hit with this crowd.

Here are the pictures:

Molly, Carolyn and Ann helped with set up and take down.
I'm so grateful for all that support!

Friend Kelley came to pick up her pre-order of Peace Art and she brought along my God-Son....... wow Ben is getting so tall and is only in 8th grade! OK he might be going through that awkward puberty phase- but still SO CUTE to me! I love those curls which came out of no where!
It happened to me too at age 13, but I recovered by aged 16.

I was also so happy my co-worker friends Renee and Lori drove into town and came to support me!
Wow- I am truly blessed. Thanks everyone!

PS: It looks like PEACE will be spreading across Des Moines in December. I will be having a small show in the Westminster gallery area (Greg you have to help me hang this Sunday afternoon Nov 27th).
Also the owner of the local Beaverdale coffee shop has interest to hang some Peace Art there. I'll be showing her some of my stuff this week.... and my art is still hanging at the Iowa Acupuncture Clinic and I am selling a few there from time to time.


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