Friday, April 22, 2011

A GOOD TGIF to you

4-22-11 Good Friday brain
Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of attending the Broadway Show, Rock of Ages, here in Des Moines. Ann and Sue were my dates for the evening out: dinner first, then the show. Ann asked to blog about this event next week, so I won't give any details now, but  let her expound in her Wednesday Guest Blog.

For today, my brain is thinking about the weekend, so not much time to blog. Usually I'd be saying..... It's Easter already? But this year, Easter is late.... just the way I like it- falling later in April. I love celebrating Easter with the spring flowers blooming. Tomorrow morning I will be helping once again with turning the church into a garden , in which to behold God's beauty, as we rejoice it our blessings.

Today, since I don't have much to blog about ....... I will share this blog written by my co-worker, friend, fellow blogger, and fellow Christian- Lori.

Lori's blog post from April 20th is called "The GAP", check it out HERE.

But, since I didn't get any Easter cards sent out this year, (unlike my Mom and Dad, and Jean Ann, who are always faithful and punctual with their cards)..... I will send Happy Easter Greeting out to everyone via my blog!
AND..... Happy EARTH Day today..... remembering to care for God's Creation today and everyday!


  1. The Church looks beautiful.

  2. This picture is from a few years ago, but each year we do something similar for Easter..... creating an indoor garden!
