Friday, November 11, 2011

Service and Honor

11-11-11 gratitude brain
It's Veteran's Day, and it is nice to see all the comments posted on Facebook thanking veterans for their service. Seems like there is more awareness of Veteran's Day now, or is it just that my friends and I are at an age we can really appreciate what service and sacrifice is all about?

I sure became more aware back in the mid-80's when my job took me to regular visits at the VA Hospital here in Des Moines. And as it turned out- that is the place where I met Greg. (He was a building manager there)

Of course today, the ONE Vet that means the most to me is my Dad....."the Marine Dude", as Ann likes to call him. Dad experienced unimaginable challenges when he was in WWII, from age 17 to 20(?). He was over in the Pacific swimming to islands to do recon-missions which help plan attacks. Once he was the only man to survive an attack while in a rubber boat. He rolled off the side and swam in the ocean until he was picked up next the day by a submarine.

Growing up, we didn't know any of Dad's stories, it wasn't until 1995, the 50th Anniversary or so that Dad began to talk at the urging and curiosity of my high school classmate friend- Steve. And of course I can't remember all the details like I should... but I got the feeling of the great endurance he and the other men when through. Thus I am in AWE of not only what Dad did in WWII, but what he has done as a Husband, Father, Teacher, Coach, Civic Leader.... those challenges of daily living also show me that he is a true HERO.

Sometimes I wonder what made the "Greatest Generation" great? I believe it was their challenges which strengthen them and made them tougher. They learned about how to sacrifice and give service to others both on the battle field and at home.  I think us Baby-boomers just had it pretty darn easy growing up..... our time of challenges and sacrifice - - now - might be upon us. Hope we can rise to the challenge and change our paradigm.... cause our country can't continue the status-quo.

Here is Dad with some of his fellow serviceman at a Marine Reunion a few years back.

1 comment:

  1. Sacrifice and service mean much different things in 2011 than they did generations ago. Sad but true. Do our children know how to go without? Do they wait for certain things they want or need? Did we 'sacrifice' today by not buying our morning coffee? I admire anyone who went through the depression and war and know what sacrifice and service truly mean.
