Monday, June 7, 2010

"Day of Caring" project

6-7-10 volunteering brain
Last weekend helping my folks with some home chores was nothing compared to the work Greg and I did this Saturday. We participated in a “Day of Caring“ here in KC with some of Greg‘s co-workers. Our assignment was to paint the old farm house at the Shoal Creek Living History Museum, which is about 30 minutes north of our KC house, up near Liberty, MO. It looks like a pretty cool place to visit.

When we arrive at 8:15AM, people were already on ladders scraping away. We jump into this activity too.

Greg on the upper roof.

After the west and south side were done being scraped, the primer painting team stepped up, while the rest of us finish scraping......
and running away from carpenter bees that were flying around. I was told they don't sting people... but they make holes in wood.

I assumed the color would remain white, but no, they had researched and found authentic colors from this period of time, thus came the next layer of paint, and time to start some of the trim work on the two porches, which I helped with, since I wasn’t up to climbing on ladders near the hornet’s nests.

Sometime along the way we were fed some great BBQ and we sat for half hour to rest, but most of the time between 8:15AM and 3:30PM we were on our feet working.

When Greg and I arrived home a little after 4:00PM, we showered and crashed for the rest of the day…. Worn out, but feeling good from a productive day of helping.


  1. Thanks for caring enough to make the world a better place.

  2. Wow! Good for you! I love the "new" paint colors...really pretty and fresh. It does make you feel great when you're tired from doing a good deed.

  3. Kudos to you and the helping people. The house is gorgeous now and you all can take a deep breath and know you are some of the good guys on the planet. I salute you.

  4. Hey there Ms Wise.... love your art!
