Thursday, June 11, 2009

Water Art part 1

6-11-09 nature brain

So far, June has been wonderful in Iowa this year. Much sunlight but still cooler temperatures, like a few days ago, the overnight temperature was only 52 degrees. Actually that is perfect sleeping weather with windows open about 6 inches. A blanket is still needed, and still feels nice to snuggle in as I listen to the birds sing as the sunrises early. I took advantage of these delightful conditions the other morning and as went for a walk before work, I discovered some “Water Art” in the grass. Every blade had one drop. I don’t have a fancy camera, so this picture does not fully do this nature art show justice.


  1. This would make a great painting...if we could just get some shadows in there for you and some early morning sunshine!

  2. Lori, Maybe you could get a better photo for me!

  3. There is actually a grass that has this look, it is called fiberoptic grass, it is very cool
