Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ponder this

3-18-09 rattling brain
I was thinking out loud the other day while driving the car through the bank drive up window with Greg as my passenger. I can’t remember what conversation lead up to my public pondering and speculation…. But I began wondering what my life would be like if I wasn’t so “split in two”. What would I be like if I had all my focus on my left brain and concentrated solely on school, science, my medical studies and career? Maybe I could have been a doctor? Or in converse, what if I had put all my focus on my right brain creativity from the beginning? What if I would have continued with art classes past 7th grade and gone on to some type of art school/college? So as I continued on and on wondering about the two extreme possible scenarios… with one brief statement, Greg put a stop to my rattling brain. He said, “If anything would have happened different than it did, then we wouldn’t have met.”

“True that”…..Having Greg in my life is the best thing….. enough said!
Some might say our meeting was a coincidence, some might take it a step further and say it was one of those God-incidences…….Greg and I say it was “divine intervention”….. THAT story to be continued.

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